Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Retrogressive ?? - I think not.

There is an inherent pleasure in adjusting around something you really enjoy and love..

Sometimes I think human beings like being in routine. With all due respect to "change-being-good" school of thought.... the reality is that Change sucks.... from the weather changes , to TOI's Cover page Ad innovations, telecast time changes of your favourite shows..

I write this after realising that Star World has discontinued Seinfeld (2300 hours). What the hell! Some would argue, that you can always buy the entire season DVD at throw-away prices and all of that.... well am sure you can do that but I believe it will kill the pleasure...

The zen and the art enjoying TV shows (especially one's you really look forward to) is to adjust your daily routine according to it AND NOT WATCH B2B Episodes on Sunday. It almost is like your daily dose of candy as a kid...
With all merits associated with Digital recorders and related gizmo (TiVO , DVR)... I think these devices will always have a strong barrier... that people like the idea of taking little strain to catch with their favourite shows... I doubt if significant numer of people are actually recording their favourite primetime shows and viewing them without ads on weekends.

This holds true even for Hindi GE space. In a lot of observational studies , women confessed on how they have adjusted their household chore routines ( Making dinner, serving dinner, serving second helping etc etc)...
These shows sort of connect in a very integral way with the life and routine of audiences.. Probably that's why verticals on weekends seem like a great "logical" idea only...

I foresee that trend to come to News Channels. There will always be need of a 30 minute new bulletin ... like it has been happening for a decade and a half... The Channels in the south still have a very strong affinity to 2100 new bulletin time (even after having 24 hour news channels)

So, therefore, if the product (Media or any other) is integrated into daily routine of the consumer, the product needs to move in tandem with the environment in which it has been getting consumed over time.. The product in itself should not evolve or change faster or slower than the context.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

While I completely agree with you that adjusting to something you love and incorporating it into your routine is more than half the fun, I also think that sometimes when your routine and the thing you love do clash, it becomes necessary and is also probably wise to go out and buy those throw-away price DVD's so you can retain the thing that you love (in this case, Seinfeld). Your love for Seinfeld should not be diminished and you can control the amount you watch everyday akin to a kid who has an entire box of candy but wills himself to eat only one a day and makes the box last longer. There is some pleasure and fun to that as well! Try it!